SPP 2244 Office

Administrative Contact

M.Sc. Florian Arnold
M. Sc. Florian Arnold

Scientific Contact / Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Thomas Heine
Prof. Dr. Thomas Heine

Technische Universität Dresden
School of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry
Theoretical Chemistry
01062 Dresden

eMail: dfg-spp2244 (at) tu-dresden.de
Tel.: +49(0)351-463-34467
Fax: +49(0)351-463-35953

Steering Committee

Student Representative

The student representative is the spokesperson for the SPP researchers at the PhD student and postdoctoral levels in the Steering Committee. They also help organize workshops, participate in meetings of the Steering Committee, and resolve conflicts involving the PhD students. During the 2024 Summer School in Göttingen, the student representative for the second funding period was elected:

Programme Contact at DFG

Programme Manager

Dr. Michael Mößle
Tel.: +49(0)228 885-2351, michael.moessle (at) dfg.de

Administrative Contact

Natalie Kaiser
Tel.: +49(0)228 885-2184, natalie.kaiser (at) dfg.de